brittany danielle

brittany danielle

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a Wonderful (college) Life.

In the name of nostalgia, I am making a list of all my favorite Texas Tech memories. If you remember more memories that aren't in here (cuz there's a LOT), comment them :)

-The "Sixth Floor Boys," and all their shenanigans :)
-Dropping water balloons on the smokers, and then blaming it on the 4th floor.
-Sling-shooting a balloon out the Clement window and breaking the window of the building next door.
-Daniel "crowd-surfing" into the bushes,
-Climbing on the statues and the cops coming! And then when the cop asked Daniel why he was climbing on the statue, Daniel replied, "Cause I was in a good mood!" Oh and that same night, -Daniel was carrying that stupid brick around and the cops made him take it back to where he got it, hahaha.
-Playing Frisbee in the park
-Playing in the rain that time campus flooded and classes were canceled.
-Two-stepping in Ian's dorm room
-Daniel getting a lock-picking kit off the internet... and learning how to use it... haha
-Meg always telling us what she ate every single day, haha (I love you Meg! But I'm glad you eat like a normal human being now :)
-Water gun fights in the halls of Chitwood
-Elisha and Chey :)
-The stupid dart game
-The time Chey smashed my face into my mashed potatoes, "Smashed potatoes!"
-The time me and Chey went clubbing and that guy wouldn't leave Chey alone, so we told him we were lesbian and he got lost pretty quickly, haha!
-Me and Elisha being Easter Bunnies and hiding Easter eggs all over campus.
-Face-planting in Memorial Circle... yeah...
-Pretty much the whole UT game: Waiting in line ALL DAY, painting my hair red, the amazing catch and hugging complete strangers afterwards.
-And then, seeing that drunk guy get hit my an SUV after the UT game when we were walking home... it's okay! He didn't die!
-Dressing up like "Sky Pirates" with Elisha.
-Chey's mystery box. She always got a white one and me and Elisha always got black ones, and we thought it was the craziest thing until we realized it was just because she got a larger portion size than we did.
-Chey hiding in my closet and scaring the crap out of me: "There were shoes in my closet and I didn't know whose, and that's when I saw there were feet in those shoes!"
-Stealing trays from the Market and sledding down the hill by the Spirit Arena.
-My first-year prayer group :) Lauren Gilland, Loren Hill, Melanie Barker, Courney Kastner, Erin Duvall and Emily Hamill
-Amazing Phi Lamb parties: Dr. Pepper Date Party, BYX raves, Noah's Ark Party, whatever that gangster party was when I dressed up like Weezy and put all that nasty goop in my hair to make dreadlocks...gross! haha
-Lauren Gilland telling that guy off at the pool: "I am not your sweetheart!"
-Me and Lauren dancing ALL NIGHT LONG and the BYX Rave :) For real, we didn't stop until they kicked us out.
-Getting hit on with the sugar packet "You dropped your name tag" pick-up line, haha :)
-Walking to Spoonfuls with Erin and Emily, and our long girl-talks :)
-Emily and her adorable obsession with Disney, haha
-Rooming with Katharine and all that entails: dancing around being crazy, cranking up the heat to ridiculous levels, sleeping with the windows open and listening to the rain.
-Me and Kat's spur-of-the-moment drive-in date to go see Twilight, and then accidentally saying the F-word.... (it was a complete accident and I apologized profusely!)
-And then that other time we almost got kicked out of the drive-in for sneaking into another theater instead of staying in the one we paid for, but we faked the guy out and later he came looking for us with a flashlight. But that's another story for another time... :)
-The time that girl set off the fire alarms in Horn-Knapp and the cops came because apparently she was smoking pot in the bathrooms... super smart.
-Midnight Worship in Memorial Circle
-Almost getting run over by that guy at Midnight Worship... also another story for another time.
-My little brother coming to Texas Tech and just being a total goofball with him.
-My and Ri's long nighttime walks
-Taking pictures with all of my friends :)
-Erin getting engaged and me and Emily getting to be a part of it!


  1. sounds wild. I wish i had a list like this.

  2. i creeped all up on your blog and it made my heart happy to see that our prayer group made your college list. so proud of you and all your endeavors. going to miss you girl!

