Day One: Texas Tech feels like one, long church camp.
Jeremiah 29:15 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
I remember when I was a kid, me and my cousin set up an "office" in my sisters walk-in closet. We used a fold-out card table as the desk, and we had a phone and a calculator and we threw some blank printer paper on the table to make it feel legit. And we had this awesome old typewriter that my mom had used in college. It didn't have any ink, but it would still click and ding, and when you're a kid, that kind of stuff just rocks your socks off.
I think when you're a kid, you like imaginary games like that because it makes you feel like an adult. You lock yourself away in a closet or attic and for a few hours you're all grown up.
I feel like college is a little like that. Sometimes it feels like we're all playing at being adults. And I'm not really talking about finances, because some college students are paying their own way through college, and are already supporting themselves. I'm more talking about spirituality; especially in Lubbock. And don't get me wrong, I love Lubbock. But sometimes I feel like I'm too immersed in this conservative West Texas lifestyle.
For the most part, it's great for right now because it's easy to be a Christian in a town where there are three churches on every corner. But at the same time, sometimes I feel like Texas Tech is just one long church camp.
And I've talked with some of my friends about that, and most of them disagree with that statement; they don't feel like Tech is a church camp. They feel like this is the "real world." And yeah, in some ways it is. But then I think about how many church-things I do every week. Last semester, for example: Sundays, I went to church, lifegroup, and then a Bible study. Monday night, I went to my Christian sorority's chaper meeting. Tuesday night, I participated in "Trash Tuesday" through First Baptist in Lubbock. Wednesday night, I was in a girls Bible study with some of my friends. Thursday night is Paradigm (like youth group for college students). And Friday and Saturday I would more than likely hang out with some of my Christian friends, and we have nice, long "God-talks."
And yeah, I could have gotten into the "wrong crowd" if I'd wanted to, because Tech is a secular school, and there's plenty of partying going on. And maybe my problem is that I'm too stuck in my Christian bubble to really be feeling the heat when it comes to living out my walk. But I feel like it's so easy to be a Christian here, that sometimes I worry about what it's going to be like when I do go out into the "real world."
I mean, it's easy to stand up for myself or be vocal about what I believe when I'm in the majority. Plus, for the most part, everyone I know believes the same things I do. Or at least we have the same foundation, so when we disagree on things, we usually just have debates based on a Biblical foundation.
I guess what I'm getting at is that I worry sometimes about actually being an adult. I've been trying to use the time that I have in college to build a firm Biblical foundation that I can stand on when I leave here. And I know that God is faithful, and He'll always be there to strengthen me and encourage me no matter what the circumstances. But I still worry about the future sometimes. Especially since I'm single and have told God I'll stay single for as long as He wants me to be (which hopefully isn't too long, not going to lie). I think that just adds to my worry, because I may not have that other person to lean on when I leave here.
And I guess I could stay tucked away in the Bible Belt of Texas for the rest of my life, but something tells me that's not what God has for me.
So, I guess for now, I'll just have to continue to trust Him. After all, He's God. I love that I can rest peacefully in with the knowledge that I don't have to know everything that's going on or going to happen in my life. Because God does know, and I know God (or at least as well as I can), and He knows me, and He's got my back. He knows and loves me better than I could every know or love myself. And that's a promise.
G'night friends. Sweet dreams to all.
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